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How NOT to Use Social Media for Lawyers

One of the most important lessons you can learn from this guide is how not to use social media as an attorney. You must practice good social media hygiene to…

Social Media for Law Firms

Attract New Clients For Your Law Firm With Social Media

Research Your Target Client Just like every solid marketing initiative, you must start using social media with your target client in mind. Posting content for the sake of posting won’t…

Instagram is Taking Over the World of Social Media

Instagram doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon! This app has been releasing new updates that have been heavily competing with other social media applications such as Snapchat, Facebook,…

Social Media… Yep You Have to Do It!

Let’s face it Social Media is here to stay.  If you are a small or medium size business you and your marketing department are juggling all the other things you…

Who are we and what do we do?

Social Media Tips for Restaurateurs

Social Media Tips for Restaurateurs Facebook Tips: Be brief. Nobody wants to read long paragraphs. Emphasize visuals. Photos and videos attract more interest. Always get customers’ permission before uploading their photos. Think…

Social Media Guarantees

Every day I speak to people who are skeptical about utilizing Social Media for their business, and want iron clad guarantees and ROI. They are challenged justifying a modest monthly…

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